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Case: Ipanema Praiana

Development of a new product in the brand portfolio

  • Date:april/2022

  • My role:Product Designer

  • Duration:2 weeks


The Ipanema Praiana product brief was created to replace an old product in the brand's portfolio. This old product no longer had the sales performance projected by the business management department.

Historical sales data from recent years were analyzed and a hypothesis presented by the business sector for the low performance of the product would be its recent price increase.


How can we create a product that costs less and is more accepted from a commercial point of view?


As the intention of the product was to have a lower final price, adjustments would have to be made to reduce the cost of the product.  In addition, the prints should have a commercial bias but without losing the essence of the brand, which features solar energy and vibrant colors as highlights.

To meet these requirements the solutions proposed by me were:

1.  Use of an existing sole with lower PVC usage and lower production cost.

2. New strap that uses less raw material and has a configuration for better industrial productivity. A texture would also be added to this strap to bring more value to the product.

3. New theme for prints, the trend was selected in conjunction with the team's Trend Analyst and developed specifically to have a more commercial appeal to our audience.


As the intention of the product was to have a lower final price, adjustments would have to be made to reduce the cost of the product.  In addition, the prints should have a commercial bias but without losing the essence of the brand, which features solar energy and vibrant colors as highlights.

To meet these requirements the solutions proposed by me were:

1.  Use of an existing sole with lower PVC usage and lower production cost.

2. New strap that uses less raw material and has a configuration for better industrial productivity. A texture would also be added to this strap to bring more value to the product.

3. New theme for prints, the trend was selected in conjunction with the team's Trend Analyst and developed specifically to have a more commercial appeal to our audience.

Trend analisys

Along with the Trend Analyst, the tropical theme was selected, focusing on two sub-themes that were prominent in the market at the time.


Within this moodboard, the prints and inspiration for the texture of the new strap for the product were developed.

Inspirations used for developing the texture of the strap and prints of the product.

fantasia resort.PNG

Final product


Opportunity product

In addition to the above product, an extra product opportunity was presented and proposed to the business management team.


This product has a chic appeal with a "Beach Charms" theme and the attribute of a metal pin on the strap. The product was well received by the business team and incorporated into the portfolio.

beach charms.PNG
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Final toughts

This project brought many challenges, but also a lot of learning! The first challenge was to find more efficient production options, for which I worked collaboratively with production analysts and cost analysts, as well as several collaborators involved with the manufacturing issue in the company to find the best production solution.


The second challenge was to think of a product that brought fashion information, connected to trends, and that also had commercial appeal. For this, I worked together with the trend analyst to define the best path.


It was very gratifying to follow this project, from the initial design, to see its 3D modeling to the final result, and finally the finished product being sold in physical and online stores.

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