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UX Study Case I

Melhorando a experiência de mobilidade urbana através do compartilhamento de veículos

1.The problem
6.High-fidelity prototype
7.Final toughts

Estudo de caso de UX concluído em novembro 2022.

Realizado em time por Lívia Milone e Paulo Kick.

Trabalhamos em conjunto em todas as etapas, mas cada um se aprofundou mais nos seguintes tópicos:

Lívia Milone: processamento dos dados das pesquisas quantitativas, qualitativas e testes de usabilidade. Desenvolvimento do protótipos em alta fidelidade, assim como o UI Kit e seus componentes.

Paulo Kick: elaboração dos roteiros das pesquisas qualitativas e condução das entrevistas. Mapeamento das jornadas dos usuários e wireframes em média fidelidade do protótipo.

The problem

The pandemic has impacted on changing different behaviors in our society. One of these was the increase in idle cars due to the adoption of remote work and hybrid models.

On the other hand, with the economic crisis and decrease in income, many people who want to use or buy cars find it financially difficult to do so.

In this context, we see the opportunity to work on the following challenge:

How can we connect those who occasionally need a car with car owners who don't use them most of the time?

Current scenario

In our desk research we collected data related to our problem and categorized them into 3 points:


Project's goal

Taking into account our points raised earlier, we have identified some of the main difficulties that our potential users have and what our objective would be in solving each one of them.

Market analysis

In order to investigate how other services work with shared mobility solutions and observe possible competitors, a market survey was carried out.

We could observe that today in Brazil there is no business model that works with vehicle sharing from person to person.

In services that rent shared cars, our main competitors would be: Vamo, Beepbeep and Turbi. All offer a more flexible lease, but we found points that could be improved, such as delivery to a personalized address and greater reach of these services, which are still limited to a few cities.

Suposições e Dúvidas

Para termos um guia inicial e desenvolver nossas pesquisas, elaboramos uma matriz CSD, onde priorizamos nossas principais dúvidas e suposições sobre os nossos usuários:


We first carried out a quantitative research, carried out in theGoogle Forms, distributed through social networks and in interest groups of our potential users.

Analyzing the results obtained, some doubts about the motivations of the users remained, to investigate in more detail we proceeded with a qualitative research, in the format of in-depth interviews. From the people who answered oursurvey, we recruit the profiles that would fit our potential users.


After compiling the results of our quantitative and qualitative research, we group similar learnings and divide them into 3 main themes for each user, which we consider most relevant to our project:

Personas and journeys

Based on our research and findings, we built personas and their journeys to better identify our users' motivations and frustrations. As well as visualizing the opportunities we would have at each stage of the car rental process for both parties.



Customer Journey Map Usuário.png


solution prioritization

Based on our learnings and observed opportunities, we prioritized each user's main challenges as well as our ideas for solutions that would bring more impact with less effort to our product.

medium fidelity prototype

From our journey mapping, using the crazy 8s technique, each team member proposed solution ideas for each part of the flow.


first test

We recruited potential users who had participated in our survey, selecting those with the desired profile.

​ We carry out both face-to-face and virtual tests, using the GoogleMeets  and OBS Studio to record the tests. Below is a summary of our roadmap of the tests conducted.

Teste usabilidade.png

Modelo de tabela de análise para testes de usabilidade do artigo de Elisa Volpato


We tabulated the results, analyzing at each stage of the flows where users had difficulties or doubts when performing tasks.

We organize the occurrences of each flow, classifying them into levels of severity, recurrence, as well as recommendations for adjustments to be made in each case.

Based on our test results and the degree of urgency of adjustments, we list the main points to be revisited in our high-fidelity prototype.

high fidelity prototype

For the high-fidelity prototype we decided to prioritize only the owner and tenant rent flows, as we understood that would be the most essential part of the project.

style guide

We chose a bluish tone as the primary color, which conveys the feeling of confidence. As a secondary color we chose orange, which is a color with an energetic and dynamic symbology.

The typographies chosen were Roboto for the titles and Lato for the texts. Both sans serif fonts and more modern style.

Main Features

Second usability test

We decided to carry out a second usability test with the high fidelity prototype, to analyze whether the changes we made based on the previous test would bring improvements to the user.

We recruited taking into account the same criteria as the previous test.

Main Learning

We analyzed the results of this second round of tests and separated the main learnings for each type of user:

Final considerations

Working on this project was challenging! We had to think about building a new service for two different user profiles.

During our process, we had to think about both the balance of the service's security guarantee and the practicality for the user, which often came into conflict.

Another issue that brought us a lot of thought was balancing the needs of our two user profiles. Landlords, who on the one hand needed to feel confident in the rental process, and renters who sought ease and customization when renting. These needs, several times also clashed.

We elaborated, we tested, we failed, but we also learned a lot in this process. We tried to get rid of confirmation biases and were attentive to discover information that was not always foreseen in the scripts but that brought us valuable insights.

We understand that one of the designer's roles is to solve a problem in the best way, trying to find a balance in their solutions, be it between the business and its users or between different user profiles.

We worked together at all stages, but each one delved deeper into the following topics:

Livia Milone: data processing from quantitative and qualitative research and usability tests. Development of prototypes in high fidelity, as well as the style guide and its components.

Paul Kick: preparation of scripts for qualitative research and conducting interviews. Mapping of user journeys and wireframes in medium fidelity of the prototype.

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